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WOW - The World Maker Faire Bay Area 2019

I am typing this from a rather sleep deprived state. Running on only a few hours of sleep and a quad americano.... I am back at work (the regular 9-5 job) and trying to get caught up with everything. Over the weekend I attended the World Maker Faire Bay Area in San Francisco. It... was.... AMAZING!!!

No big surprise that we spent the whole time swamped at our booth. There was very little time during the actual event to spend time walking around and seeing everyone else. We did however have chances before the faire opened, and at the Maker Meetup and after party to hang out with fellow Makers and talk 'shop'. The sheer amount of creativity, innovation, and everything else in one location is so inspiring. Here are a few photos from the event from our perspective.

Oh, and check out this quick video interview we did after the Maker Faire rushing to the airport!

I am going to writing a bit more about various aspects and thoughts from the event over the next week. It will take time for me to fully decompress from the event....


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