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Recap of WFGKC Day 1

Oh man... it is 9pm and I am sitting back with a fresh beer, munching on a bag of carrots and working on the video from the sessions of the first day. Sad to say that in my extreme excitement I forgot to hit the record session on the intro session. Other than that, there wasn't too many hiccups. I did discover that running a live stream AND doing the meeting at the same time was too much for the internet here at the Museum. Oh well, I wondered if it was possible, now we know.  Overall, I am super happy with the first three sessions, and I am very much looking forward to the next two days. The chats, the stories, and listening to folks share about kites, kite history, and sport kite flying was invigorating!!  Some of the real highlights were seeing Paul Chapman share a tin of kites from Scotland with an incredible history to them.... potentially even some Royal history. There was also an opportunity to learn about a newly published book "The Kite That Touched the Sky' by Jim Mockford and Theresa Johnson. I can't forget the sport kite chat about pairs and teams, it was fun to hear different perspectives on how to approach Team flying. Alright... so... here is the rub, Tomorrow is going to be a very full day. I am online from before the sun comes up till long after it goes down, so if you have a question or are looking for more information on a session hit me up. I will be in every session and monitoring the chats etc... I hope you can join all of us hanging out!! Seminars/Workshops/Break-out Sessions: The FINAL version of the Calendar is here, and boy is it jammed packed. Check it out here:  Check the event details for more information about a session or for templates etc...   Here is the login information for each session. It will be easiest to access a session with a computer or an android phone. If you are using an iPhone or iPad, you may have to use the phone in option to connect.  Saturday the 19th

  • 8am PST - Antique Kite Showcase GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 336-515-0607‬     PIN: ‪722 928 996#‬

  • 9am PST - Bridles for your Sport Kite  GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 716-281-0957‬ PIN: ‪863 023 019#‬

  • 10:30am PST - Sport Kite Progression GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 662-733-0151‬ PIN: ‪768 802 267#‬

  • 12:00pm PST Fade Paint Technique GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 541-579-2979‬ PIN: ‪898 337 801#‬

  • 1pm PST - Answering your Applique Questions GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 484-424-6429‬ PIN: ‪820 405 322#‬

  • 3pm PST - Dyeing for Color GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 650-530-6727‬ PIN: ‪323 264 618#‬

  • 5pm PST - Flight of the American Fighter Kite GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (‪US‬)‪+1 347-354-4318‬ PIN: ‪349 500 789#‬

  • 7pm PST - Sport Kite Elements GOOGLE MEET ID: PHONE: (US) +1 442-600-5211‬                   PIN: ‪907 977 684‬#

Challenges: I hope you have had a chance to look at the challenges. Some of you have already entered into a few of the challenges, and it is absolutely amazing! If you didn't know about these, I highly encourage you to go and have a look. Make sure to submit your challenge submissions by the night of September 20th. For more information about the challenges check out: I have been blown away by the folks that have submitted challenges so far and I am working hard on some special awards to show my gratitude for you sharing your journey and being so willing to try this whole idea. The creativity is truly inspiring. Thank you for being so... well.. being so you! Facebook Event Page:  I know not everyone is on Facebook, however, for those of you that are, there is a Facebook Event page dedicated to the We Fly Global Kite Conference and you can find it here:

T-shirts: The first batch of shirts is off to the printer and will be in your mailbox in the coming weeks for those of you that ordered. If you missed out, no problem, you can still get a shirt and it will go into the second batch of printing. Proceeds from this shirt will go to pay for the initial cost of running the conference, with additional proceeds being donated to the World Kite Museum in Long Beach, Washington. You can find out more about the World Kite Museum at Please note that in order to minimize cost and time commitment these are printed in batches. The next batch order will close in about ten days.


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