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March 22nd, 2021 Kite Newsletter

Man that was a fun week of kites, kitemaking, and kite flying!! Hopefully you were able to get out and celebrate the first days of spring with a bit of kite flying of your own!

Next month is National Kite Month as recognized by the American Kite fliers Association, so now is the time to get together all of your old kites, new kites, lines, and other things you might need for flying so you are ready for April! To find out more go to

As always, if you have any questions, or comments, shoot me an email at:



The Kitemakers Conference this last weekend was AMAZING!!

A big shout out to all of the presenters that shared their tips, tricks, techniques and expertise during the conference. If you missed out on a session, or would like to catch up, the sessions were recorded and will be posted to the Fortuna Found Youtube channel in the following week. Consider hitting the subscribe button on Youtube and hit the 'notification' button so you are notified when the videos are uploaded.



Join the fine folks from Fort Worden for a VIRTUAL Kitemaking experience on March 27th, 2021 Learn to build a Scott Hampton Tumbling Cube and a Jerimy Colbert Miniature!


No matter, if you are dual or quad line pilot, you must check your lines from time to time and adjust them! When you buy new set of dyneema lines they may need to be equalized, as well, before fly. On some sets I have seen difference more than 10 cm!!! If you are beginner stunt kite flyer you may not notice the difference but the lines must be fixed.


The Hatchling is a ground-breaking outdoor theatrical performance that will unfold over a weekend of events and reach an extraordinary finale over the coast of Plymouth. Our beautiful visitor will hatch in the city, build herself a nest and then attempt to take to the skies in a bid for her freedom. Along the way, she’ll explore the city, and as she roams, she’ll encounter a series of events from intimate interactions to city-wide performances, prepared especially for her majestic visit.

At the end of her journey our hatchling will undergo an incredible metamorphosis, unfurl her wings, and attempt to soar over the sea at sunset! With a wingspan of over 20 metres, our hatchling is the world’s largest human-operated puppet to attempt flight.

To find out more go to:


Well this is a cool adaptation!!! For those that are fans or attendees of the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC: "The National Cherry Blossom Festival will bloom again this spring with an innovative format that honors the tradition of the festival, while prioritizing the health and safety of participants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The celebration will feature virtual and personal experiences and programs

Blossom Kite Fly: Beginning March 22, take a workshop or demo on kite-making. Then, on March 27 and 28, fly your kite in your own backyard and share pictures online" Find out more here:


Suspended Observations: NASA Aeropods Win Industry Recognition

Aerodynamically stable and designed to hang from a kite string, Aeropods offer a low-cost, low-risk, opportunity for scientists and students to gather imagery and atmospheric data from an aerial perspective. Geoff Bland, Research Engineer at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Va. and his team won the Educational Institution and Federal Laboratory Partnership award in 2020 from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for their Aeropod technology. Aeropods can be fitted with sensors for aerial imaging, including color, multispectral, and thermal imagery, and in-situ measurements which require that the instrumentation be located directly at the point of interest and in contact with the subject of interest, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. “We look at the Earth from space and from aircraft,” Bland said. “As we get closer and closer to the surface, we get higher-resolution data. In order to both get that resolution and capture the big picture, we need many measurements at many locations.” Read more at:


Has Banksy been busy again? Mural of kite-flying child in the style of famous guerrilla artist appears on brick wall in Winchester

A suspected Banksy mural showing a child holding a colourful kite on a string was today spotted on a brick wall.

Locals were stunned to find the street artist's graffiti-style artwork on the wall next to a footpath on the outskirts of Winchester, Hampshire.

As part of the black and white piece, which was discovered by local resident Liz Kavanagh, a real kite is attached to the child's hand by a piece of string.


THROWBACK VIDEO!!! - Freestyle Kite Flying- Red Bull Kiteforce UAE


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