Halfway through day 1!!!
We are halfway through day one, and things are humming along!!! WOAH! So much great information is being shared and hopefully you have been able to join in already. If you have missed any of the sessions so far, no need to worry. There will be recordings of the sessions posted to https://www.youtube.com/fortunafound in the week following the conference.
There will also be an email sent out to everyone on the registration list with direct links to each recorded session.
Saturday March 20th
12:30pm - Donna Houchins - Sharpie Blending Technique - https://meet.google.com/yub-jpve-hoo
1:30pm - Mitch Cordover - Dresden Plate - https://meet.google.com/zmt-bzqt-bbw
3pm - HAPPY HOUR - https://meet.google.com/jye-gfoh-vyd
4pm - Scott Skinner - Three Stick Magic - https://meet.google.com/guh-omiq-fea
5:30pm - Chris Hanson - Scrap Tail Technique - https://meet.google.com/wav-kguf-byf
Sunday March 21st
8:30am - Lindsey Johnson - CAD and Printing - https://meet.google.com/yji-fcex-cik
10am - Spencer Watson - What I am Learning from Sport Kite Design - https://meet.google.com/unu-mkfk-meh
11am - Jon Trennepohl - Spar Selection - https://meet.google.com/qsr-hxub-xwe
12:30 - Mitch Cordover - Tools & Tidbits - https://meet.google.com/uer-zvkj-koq
2pm - Glenn Davison - Miniature Kite Build - https://meet.google.com/oxv-myqj-aee
3pm - Matthew Kuykendall - Chilean/Indian Fighter Kite - https://meet.google.com/eka-hwcu-emo
4pm - Finish My Project. - https://meet.google.com/rmu-kymv-qkr
Did you miss out on a handout, a link, or something else referenced in one of the sessions? No worries!!! Those too will also be sent out in the follow up email later next week and posted to the FortunaFound.com website.
All of this would not be possible if the path had not already been set by the amazing folks at the IN PERSON kite making workshops. This weekend is just a taster of what you might find at one of them, so please consider going or planning on going to one in the future.
U-MAKE - umake.org
Fort Worden Kitemakers Retreat - Kitemakers.org
Oregon Kitemakers Retreat - kitemakersretreat.com
Keystone Kiters Winter/Summer Kitemaking Retreat - Keystonekiters.org
Maryland Kite Society Kite Retreat - mdkites.org