Prepping not Procastinating
I wish I could say that I am one of those 'natural preppers'. I am not. I have to make the effort to write things down, plan as much as I can, AND purposefully plan extra time for those odd bits and ends that may pop up and delay things. Then there are those tasks that I forgot to think about it. Often times I wonder how the super organized can be so... uhm... organized. How did they learn to be that way? Do they plan for the unplanned?

This week is a very busy week, with a workshop in Shelton on Thursday, then load in for the Seattle Mini Maker Faire on Friday, and the actual Mini Maker Faire over the weekend. All of the kits are prepped and ready for the workshop, and nearly everything is ready for the Seattle MMF, with only another 100 or so line sets to make.

Easy enough. The big focus tho for the coming evenings, will be on starting to make all of the expected 3,000 kite kits for the World Maker Faire in New York in September, AND finishing up my e-book on this workshop kite, while working on the workbook for the other workshop we are hosting at the Washington State International Kite Festival. WSIKF

The Makers Faires, and the kids kitebuilding workshops are all essentially the same activity, with some variations. The workshop at WSIKF is different. First, this is a workshop hosted by Paul de Bakker, and second it is all about 'Putting Moves to Music'. The art of how to choreograph kite routines to music. (HIS SPECIALTY!!!)
We will be doing a livefeed (if the network allows) and a recording of the workshop for anyone that wants to attend. It will be broadcast via our youtube channel, as long as being on the World Kite Museum Website. Stay tuned for more details.
Speaking of livefeeds, I am going to try my best to do a livefeed from the Seattle Mini Maker Faire. It will broadcast on the Fortuna Found Youtube page. While there, why not hit that subscribe button so you get notifications of when we post new videos or go live!