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Prototyping, pondering, and planning

Having a bit of an alliterative train of thought over the weekend.

We were recently in Ocean Shores visiting with our good friends Andy and Brenda, owners of Ocean Shores Kites. We have known each other for about a decade, and love the atmosphere they have at the store. They are truly one of the last great TRUE kite stores in the world, and for all intents and purposes are a family run affair. While we were there messing with parts, retying bridles, and cutting new sticks, the floor was BUSY with hundreds of customers.

Son #1 is working the counter, Son #2 is answering questions about kite line, Dad is walking around talking to customers, Mom is at a kite event a few hours away having one of their busiest days. The usual questions about 'What makes this kite better than that one' or 'is this hard to fly?', and others seemed to be on a loop. Same words carried by different voices. Andy calmly answering each question with a smile, while watching over the whole store.

While we love to go there and hang out, the main focus this time was to discuss a project that has been in the works. Look over some samples of a 'renewed' kite project, fly around little bit, and explore. Something we are very eager to have happen. Something that will bring a lot of things full circle.... but for now, it is all about flying kites.

I (Nic) really enjoy watching Paul do his thing. When he flies a kite, he seems to be completely one with the world around him, balanced somewhere between being at peace and focused. Perhaps, that is what 20+ years of kite flying, designing, and competing/performing does. I can only hope to have the same demeanor at some point, a point where we might fly together as a pair, performing for those eager eyes on the boardwalk.

The end of the weekend found me in our studio listening to music and sorting through materials for the upcoming workshop this week. On Friday, we will head to Langley (a cute sleepy art town on South Whidbey Island) and host an indoor kite flying demo and indoor kite building workshop. Then next week there is the kite making workshop in Shelton, and.... the first of the big 3 events, the Seattle Mini Maker Faire!

Make sure to stay tuned here, as I plan to add more about what is going on behind the scenes and what is coming up.

Schedule Look Ahead

August 10th - Indoor Kite Making Demo/Workshop - Langley Community Center, Langley, WA

August 16th - Kids Kite Making - Mt Olive Lutheran Church, Shelton, WA

August 17th-19th - Seattle Mini Maker Faire, Seattle, WA

August 23-26th - Washington State International Kite Festival, Long Beach, WA

August 26th 9:30am - Putting Moves to Music - A free workshop hosted by the World Kite Museum. Paul de Bakker will be discussing how to choreograph kite ballets. We will also be doing a webcast of this workshop to our Youtube Channel.

(Finalizing details/dates of 2 workshops in September)

September 15-16th - Portland Mini Maker Faire, Portland, OR

September 21-24 - World Maker Faire, New York

October 12-15th - Workshops in Shreveport LA with several Art Studios and Libraries (more to come)

October 15th-21st - AKA Annual Convention, Shreveport, LA

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