Kitemakers Conference Update
Hey everyone!!! Wanted to give an update to all of you fine folks that have signed up to attend the Kitemakers Conference the weekend of March 20th, 2021.
Here is the tentative Presenters list:
Glenn Davison
Scott Skinner
Mitchell Cordover
Jon Trennepohl
Chris Hanson
Frank Sazama
Spencer Watson
Andrew Beattie
Donna Houchins
Matthew Kukendall
Ron Gibian
Kevin Coleman
Several others as well are being added this week, and it is already looking like it will be a lot of fun! From learning about decorating or detailing techniques, to making fittings, learning about the various processes used to make materials, or even making your own kite, there will be something for everyone.
Due to this being a fully virtual event, AND because it is not meant to replace in person kitemaker retreats, most of the topics being presented are supplements to the sewing workshops you may attend at a later date. There will be some build along type sessions, but the main focus is about learning and sharing the experience and asking questions. Don't shy away from attending one of these because you think you can't finish the project in the allotted time. Plus, all sessions will be recorded so you can go back and watch or re-watch them!!
There will also be two special moderated sessions that should be of interest to everyone.
The first will be a Kite Makers/Builders Happy Hour where we will encourage everyone to come and share their love of their favorite Kitemakers Workshops. This will be a time to share memories, details, and generally anything you want regarding your favorite retreat. Many of the folks in attendance may have not heard of or attended your favorite retreat, so this is a perfect chance to encourage them to join the next time it is happening in person!!!
The Second is a 'Finish My Project' session for all of you that have various unfinished projects from previous workshops that you have yet to finish. Folks will be on hand to help with tips, pointers, and finishing details so you can get that project of yours complete and flying!
If you would like to present at the event, or host a Q&A session, or some other type of workshop, it isn't too late to hop on the bandwagon! Simply let me know ASAP at
We will be using Google Meet to host this conference. It is a free software that you should be able to access from any Android Smart Phone or any desktop. The login codes and links to the sessions will be sent out to your email, and published on the Event page on Fortuna Found. I will be online throughout the event and also able to respond instantly to messages if you can't find the link.
Don't forget to share this event with your friends and family. It is completely free, and we are encouraging people of all skill levels to attend. You never know where the next master kite maker is going to come from! Send them to the link below!