New Year ... new things?
It is that time... time for the grand old New Years Resolutions. A recent discussion with Paul, and other friends has spurred the idea of creating a few 'top ten lists' for the year. These are bucket lists, reminders to stay on the positive side of life, ways to explore, and more. Perhaps some of these resonate with you? Perhaps not. If you have your own, 'Top Ten' I would love to hear it!!
I am going to break these up over several posts over the coming week, so... enjoy!
List One: Ten Kite Events to Attend in 2019
If you click on the name of the event, it will take you to an event listing with more information. This are not listed in any particular order.
1. South Padre Island Kite Festival - This was actually the first event I ever attended as a 'kite flier'. There I met Bill and Susie of B&S kites in South Padre, and the whole kite crowd. Paul is an invited flier this year for the indoor fly, so we will be heading down to capture some video, and good times. January 31st - Feb 2nd
2. Windless Kite Festival, Long Beach, Washington - This is the longest running indoor kite event, and has been one of our favorites. It is hosted by the World Kite Museum. January 26-27th.
3. World Maker Faire - Bay Area - San Fransisco, California - What can I say.... addicted to Maker Faire, and had so much fun at World Maker Faire in New York this year... why not go to the one a bit closer to home! May 17th -19th.
4. Fort Worden Kitemakers Conference, Warm Beach, Washington - A group of expert kite builders comes to town to host a weekend workshop on how to build their kites. March 14th-17th.
5. Washington State International Kite Festival, Long Beach, Washington - Also known as WSIKF, and the place where Paul and I met. This festival will always hold a special place in our hearts, and we love returning! August 19th-25th.
6. Grays Harbor Festival of Colors, Ocean Shores, Washington - June - This is down at another one of our favorite semi local beaches. We are going!
7. TBD - There is potentially a very fun, and exciting trip to a foreign location. We can't announce it just yet..... but... it is here!!!
8. Lincoln City Summer Kite Festival, Lincoln City, Oregon - A fun event on one of the most interesting beach locations around. It is a beautiful beach, with the shortest river in the world!!
9. Seattle Mini Maker Faire/Portland Mini Maker Faire - Dates to be released shortly, looking forward to doing this again!!
10. AKA Nationals Seaside, Oregon - A fun time with a few hundred cool kite fliers gathering to celebrate all things kites! Oct 8th-12th.