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Broken Windows.. mean... ?

So a few days ago, we went out for a hike in a state park near our home. A wonderful fall hike through the woods, with autumn winds and filtered sunlight. Along the trail were hundreds of mushrooms sprouting up in the loamy earth. From small ones that looked slick with moisture and no bigger than your pinky, to colossal diner plate size behemoths trying to change the landscape. An hour later came back to the car to discover the rear window smashed in. Glass littered the ground, and we discovered a case missing from the back of the car.

In that case, were some of the left overs of the kids kite building kits. Perhaps 100 or so of the various kinds that we give away for free. Along with that was some promotional materials, and other paper memories. It was heartbreaking to walk up and see glass littering the ground and the case missing. Who would steal it? The case was opened a few days ago and you could see what was inside. It would have appeared to be papers and plastic. Nevertheless, it seemed more enticing to the thieves, then the long kite bag filled with high end sport kites and other kites, that while they may have a financial cost, they have a high emotional cost for us. The also failed to grab any of the other valuable items in the car, just the case of kids kites we give away for free.

After the initial frustration drifted away, and the police report was filed, something else happened in its stead. Something that reminded me to always look for the good, always seek the positive. As we were sitting waiting for the police, I shared a photo of the broken out window on a local facebook group. It is a small island, and these things rarely if ever happen, so it seemed important to raise the alarm for my neighbors that I know hike in the area. (especially now that it is no longer tourist season, and we are heading back out to enjoy our public lands and the silence).

Over the next few days, the comments came flooding in on my post in the facebook group. Most were shocked, some were pre-emptively defensive, and then.... then there were the people that offered to donate money and time to help replace the kids kites. These were not people that knew me, at no point was I asking in my post for help. I fully intended to take care of it myself, and simply let folks know about trouble on the trail. However, there they were, these people I had never met, wanting to help create kids kites. Some others asked if I could come set a kids kite making workshop up for them. Others had questions about kites, and wanted to know more.

So, silver lining here...... my car window was smashed in and kids kites stolen.... so that I could spread the love and joy of kite flying. Guess things aren't all that bad.

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