5 Videos From My Channel in 2019

Day 4 of the new year and the wind is HOWLING around the house this week. Sustained winds of 20-30 mph and gusts around 50.mph. The tree tops are bouncing around, and a few of the weaker ones have come down on the property. A few large limbs have fallen on the driveway, and we are waiting for a large limb to drop on one of the nearby power lines and cut us off from the outside world. I am not sure why, but it has me thinking about what videos I published this year that I really liked. Perhaps which are the big ones that can stand a strong wind. I don't know, better writers can write a better simile or metaphor for the moment.

1. Kite Making Booth at World Maker Faire Bay Area 2019

First up I have this one of the conversation I had with Ronda Brewer at the World Maker Faire in Bay Area. Every time I watch this one I can't help but giggle a little. We were having such a rough time finding a location to do the video before the public was let in. The trade off was that they were trying to clean and prep the stage and we had to make sure that we had everything ready in our own booth for everyone coming in.

2. The Importance of One Square Inch

This hike led to the complete random chance of discovering something that I had no idea existed, or how important it is. To this day I keep reflecting back on that weekend camping there and hiking up to the one square inch.

3. Ask a Kite Flier Part 1

This video makes it in to my list of favorites for the year because it is the start of a long project that I have been chipping away at. It started as an idea more than a year ago, and it gives me a chance to ask a bunch of kite fliers a bunch of random questions. Well... I ask them the first question then they ask the rest of the next person!

4. World Record Stack Flight 2019

This was such a great memory, and it is something that takes on more importance every time I watch it. The amount of planning and coordination that went into it the year ahead of time care of Dylan Nguyen and his crew was pretty amazing. Coordinating 20 pilots and a total of 117 kites not only all being at the same event, but also flying together in the same space is no easy feat.

5. World Record Quad Line Mega Fly

No surprise on this one, my top video for the year, and apparently the top liked video by most folks is this one.

I would love to know what you think, if you really liked one of the videos I did this year, or if one of these five sparked your interest. Drop your suggestions, ideas, recommendations and all of that good stuff in the comments below.